I Hope This Blog Post Finds You Well

It’s been a minute, huh?

Timeliness has never been one of my strengths (surprising, I know). I’m one of those “get what needs to get done, done” type of people in terms of work, life, etc. – but everything else seems to be an “I’ll get it done when I get it done” type of vibe. Looks like I may have found my 2021 resolution.

But I digress…

Curious about today’s inspiration for writing? I thought it might help me.

Life during the pandemic has been challenging in many ways. My last post (which shared very similar thoughts) was already four months ago and it doesn’t feel like too much has changed. For some, we may feel trapped in our thoughts – well our thoughts, and our phones, our computers and our televisions. This is rarely a healthy combination when there are fewer outlets for spending time.

The mind can be a tough place to live. If you lost your routine – lost that small feeling of control you had in your life pre-pandemic – then your mind may still be going a little awry.

Fearful. Uneasy. Depressed. Stuck.

Have you felt any of these emotions over the past few months? I know I have.

I guess I’m writing today in the hope that acknowledging these emotions out loud (well on WordPress) will help me avoid burying them – avoid burying them in my thoughts, in my work or in my humor.

So if you’re feeling some type of way right now, I hope you have found a way to acknowledge it. Whether in conversation, in writing, in therapy, in a friend or a confidant.

And with that, I hope this blog finds you well (or at least on your way to well).